
Thursday, January 27, 2011

New TVB Sitcom Starring Kristal Tin & Stephen Au

Although current TVB sitcom "Show Me the Happy" will air until April, a new sitcom is already planned.

The sitcom taking over "Show Me the Happy" will be <誰家灶頭無煙火> (Official name: Be Home For Dinner) starring Kristal Tin, Stephen Au, Ngok Wah Elly Leung, and Katy Kung. A costume fitting for this 120-episodes sitcom (tentative number of episodes) was held yesterday. Producer of the sitcom Tsui Yu On expressed he will add in more actors soon.

Leading the sitcom this time, Kristal will play a professional cook "cooking goddess." She joked the nickname was originally "beautiful cooking goddess," but the word "beautiful" was removed when she was assigned to the role.

"I'm actually beautiful wife cooking goddess," she said.

Source: ON.CC, Wenweipo / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

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